Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween

drinkin a sobe strawberry daiquiri, best drink ever.
eating smorez cereal, best cereal ever.
it's so quiet at my parent's house with out them.
but i'm thinkin they probably are loving it in cancun.
i've been watchin the moon -
tomorrow i have to trick or treat with carson alone.
kody has to work on halloween, i'm bummed.
i'm making enchiladas this week for whoever wants
to come scarf them down with me. that and
doing my homework and thinking about what to
do next with my life. i'm trying to slowly lighten
up my hair. and contemplating chopping it off..
it's officially lonely here without my mama to tell
secrets to. i'm thinking of running away to pasco
when i get the chance.
oh and my etsy package still hasn't come.
but my birch box did, and that was the highlight
to my day yesterday... loved it. i think i need
another one? yaaaaaaaaaaa.
thank goodness i have carson so i'm never alone.
well, here's to a week of being bored
because everybody's gone and my HUSBANd has
to work until 11:00 pm every night. oh this week
better go by faster then fast.
halloween tomorrow. & me and my dinosaur will share
some apple cider in the morning, make
peanut butter cookies, open our presents from
gRammy/mom and trick or treat the mall.
since i'm afraid of getting kidnapped. :/
see ya lataaa.

1 comment:

michelle said...

whats a birch box?
happy halloween to sweet dino carson and you!