Tuesday, December 20, 2011


realizingpresent participle of re·al·ize (Verb)

  1. Become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly: 

The holidays are sneaking up on me way too quick.
Mostly I am looking forward to spending time with family.
There is a lot I have to do in these 4 short days, but I think
I can manage.It has been nice to have this small break from
school as well. 4 new classes in two weeks. And a new year.
I'm already thinking and looking back at 2011 and how much
has happend. 2011 was a fast year. And a huge year for me.
I realized A LOT. Now, I know. I'm trying to look forward
and keep myself going. and that's what is set in my mind. I don't
know where I'm headed yet - but I do know it's gonna be
good. I think that everything happens for a reason - whether
we want to agree with it or not. It does.
I'll take it as that - for now. See ya lata.

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